Blogs and Personal Sites
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- Ani's Blog
- Arya Elfakin
- B.C. Holmes
- Bogleech
- Captain Awkward
- Clare's Cool Zone
- Colrana
- Drop Beets Not Bombs
- The Druid's Garden
- Dowsing for Divinity
- Elodie Under Glass
- Emily Internet Zone
- Ex Urbe
- Fare Isle
- Fivefold Law
- Fruitmelt
- Fuzzy Notepad
- Going Medieval
- Hakai Magazine
- Homestead and Chill
- Hearth and Horn
- Laura Perry
- Legends of Localization
- Lexical Doll
- Lovely Greens
- Low-tech Magazine
- Make Me Good Soil
- Markham Farm
- Natalie's Cool Website
- Pulappli
- Raise the Horns
- Ritual Dust
- Salixx
- The Satyr's Forest
- Smitten Kitchen
- Stanecunning
- Star and Snake
- Soup's Garden
- Tales of Times Forgotten
- Tumble Forth
- Viznut
Archived Sites:
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- Bits 'n' Bricks
- BS-Free Witchcraft
- Hex Positive
- If Books Could Kill
- LesBionicle
- Maintenance Phase
- Story Archaeology
- Way of the Weaver
Other Neat Links
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- Anecdata
- Anna's Archive
- Antique Pattern Library
- Archive of Our Own
- Aristasian Reminiscence
- Bardic Arts
- BlueMaxima's Flashpoint
- ByteBeat
- Collapse OS / Dusk OS
- Deadseapianorolls
- Dyke TV
- Edible Plants of the World
- Etymonline
- Ex-Classics
- Experimental Farm Network
- Falling Fruit
- Fanlore
- FaT GiRL Zine Archive
- Fencraft
- Files Found
- Food Timeline
- Gender Dysphoria Bible
- Girl and Queer Bands
- Glorious Trainwrecks
- The Goddess Aradia
- HedgeWytchery
- Heritage Apple Search
- Homestar Runner
- Lost Media Wiki
- Mad Gender Science
- Marginalia Search
- May Day Mystery
- Middle and Ring
- Native Beeology
- Native Languages
- Native Seeds
- Neocities
- OSDev Wiki
- Permacomputing
- Project Gutenberg
- Sacred Text Archive
- Sarah's Hand Embroidery Tutorials
- SongMeanings
- Textfiles
- Transfeminine Science
- The Joy of Handspinning
- Wall of History
- Wildflower Search